Sunday, 7 October 2007

Bird Nest Yum Yum!

Last week, I have been staying up late due to my assignment.
Well I guess my mum has never seen me study so hard in her life b4
that she actually boiled tonic soup for me :)
And today she make bird nest for me :D

Our relationship has not been good for the past 26 years
but I know one thing is that it is improving.
Thanks to prayers
Her care and concern maybe be 26 years late but its never too late :)

Thank You

Thursday, 27 September 2007

Praise You in the Storm

It has been about 2 months since my class had started.
Started to feel the effects of working and studying.
Ever since i started school, don't even get the chance to attend cell.
How I miss cell... the time i spend with the girls are much much lesser.
At time I even feel like quiting my job. I dislike my job scope now.
Plus the working hour really sux. At times I just drag myself to work.
Am still deciding if I should resign and get another job with a pay cut.

But there is 5 things I learnt today if I am stuck in a situation:

1. Set your heart to seek the Lord
2. Focus on the promises not the problem
3. Stand before the Lord
4. Wait for the Holy Spirit
5. Praise God in advance

I will Praise You in the Storm

Wednesday, 19 September 2007

Nick Vujicic

What an amazing guy, God has indeed used him.
Watch the video on him at the website and u will
understand what i mean.

then click on Weekend Service with Nick Vujicic.

Enjoy and be Blessed

Monday, 17 September 2007

My grades for my first assignment!!

Finally got back my result for my 1st assignment :)
and I got 88%!!!!! :D
Now more motivated to preserve for the rest of the assignment.

Back to assignment again ...

Sunday, 9 September 2007

Thank You

Thank You for saving her,
Although it took You 26 years but I know that
in this 26 years You have always stayed by her side
and even carried her through the rough times.
I can never thank You enough for Your love & grace.
Seeing her walking strong in You is the greatest gift.
Thank You.

Sunday, 26 August 2007

Finally Completed my assignment

Finally completed my first assignment.
It took me more than 1 week to completed 5 essay questions.
For the first question, it took me about 1 day to complete. :(
However it gets better as I perserve with the rest.
Really felt like giving up or even quiting my job so I can concenrate on my studies.
Aiyah but no money to support myself if I do that :P

Its always nice to meet up with old friends.
Went for Floorball 3-on-3 tournament today.
Had a nice time catching up with my floorball kakis.
Although I only played 2 games but I was soooo tired when
I get back home. I slept for 2 hours plus and didnt even feel like
getting out of my bed :D zzzzzzzzzzzz
Well it also make me realise how unfit I am.
Time to sweat it out and start traning for IPPT too.

Monday, 13 August 2007

Look at the Big Picture.

Just came back from school...
It has been 3 lessons so far. But soooo many things to read.
And I am swimming among the theories and processes.
Freud's Psychosexual theory, Erikson's Psychosocial theory
Piaget's Cognitive Development Theory,Vygotsky's Sociocultural Theory
and many many more to come.
First assignment is due on the 27 August :( Kinda unsure what is expected.
Guess everything will fall into place once I start on my assignment.
Shall not stress myself too much.

Recieved an email about looking at the big picture.

It just make me realise that I should get my act together.

God is just awesome. He even use email to speak to me :)

Thursday, 2 August 2007

Goodbye My Friend.

1st August 2007
Woke up and saw a sms: Cheah Wai Mun had passed away.

Saturday, 28 July 2007

First Day of School

Yeah!!!! Today is my first day of school. :)

Thank God for the opportunity to be able to study again.

Quite excited about it. Even wanted to go and buy new stationery.

Hahaha felt like a little girl all over again. :p

Hmmm my text book is quite thick, about 20 chapters.

I wonder how is the lecturer going to finish in 2 lesson of 3 hrs

I shall see later :)

Getting ready for school!!

Wednesday, 25 July 2007

The Bomb Had Been Dropped.....

Once again, the door had been slammed right in my face.
I am not selected for the post at my hq.
Which means no office hours for me.

I asked God,"WHY???!?!?!?!" I don't understand.
Its a disappointment I have to deal with.
I am tired of having to fight for my shift so that i can make it for cell.
At times I just feel like giving up fight.

I know that I should rejoice even when things are not going my way.
His ways are much higher than mine.
But I do not know how much more can I take it.
Do I really have to strength to be like Paul???

Wednesday, 18 July 2007

To ride or not to ride?????

This morning even before i was fully awake, I received news that one of my colleague
had an accident the night before. He was riding, on his way to pick up his wife
when he crashed head on with a taxi. At first I heard that he is unconsicous,
next I heard that he is in ICU, then I heard that his brain is dead.

When I reach TTSH, I was informed that a 2nd opioion was sought and the doctor
also said that his brain is dead and the chances of recovery is almost zero.
And he is fully supported by the life machine. Just a touch of the switch and he is gone.
I was telling myself that when I go into the ward, I will pray for him.
When I saw the state that he was in, with all the tube plug into him, my mind went blank.
Just 24 hrs ago he was smiling and joking. But now he is lying there motionless.

It took me a few hours to get over the shock and to pray for him.
It will really take a miracle. And i don't even know how to pray for him.....

Sunday, 15 July 2007

God's Grace felt :)

The past week had being quite a disaster.
People trying to test my patience by waking me up from my sleep,
questioning my walk with God and making me feel unworthy by
saying that its ok to let me fall from the rope as my existence
would not matter.
Well that's what happened when you pray for patience.

When I reached church for pre-cell prayer,
I was kinda sad that only a few of the cell turned up.
However during worship, when we start to sing of
God's goodness, I felt His Grace...
It was sooo real..I started to cry and reach out to Him.
I have done nothing to deserve His love but He had love
me first even when I am a sinner. He sent His son to die for me.
It was a feeling that I am unable to describe.
God is real and He is definitely doing something in my life.
No matter how someone question my faith or make me feel unworthy,
I know that in God's eyes no one is unworthy, there is no condemnation
and I am called for His purpose.

Who am I, that the Lord of all the earth
Would care to know my name
Would care to feel my hurt
Who am I, that the Bright and Morning Star
Would choose to light the way
For my ever wandering heart

Monday, 9 July 2007

The Past :(

Got woken up this morning by a call. :(
A call from the past... The first thing he said was
can i ask you out sometime this week??
In my mind i was thinking,Here it goes again...
Everything was just like how it was.
He started to say that he dun understand how i get to
this decision and it was a selfish thing to do.
I started to justify my decision and then realised that
it does not help but just make things worst.
In the end we end up arguing AS USUAL...
sigh what is new??
After I end the conservation, I broke down...
I do not know what to do...but can only pray and leave it in God's hand

Tuesday, 26 June 2007

My Posting ARGH!!!!

My hope for my new posting to a office hours job has been on a roller coaster ride.
First it was my office that doesn't want to release me for my posting. After they have finally agreed to release me, the other place said that they don't need me anymore..Argh!!
How frustrating it is. My hope has been going up and down to the extremes. Every time i hear some good new about my posting and my hope goes up, the next few days i will hear another new which tell me that my posting is no where near. And my hope goes way down.
The cycle just kept repeating.
The latest i hear is that there is a vacancy for a good post with good working hours. My name has been surfaced as one of the candidates for the post. Now i can long pray for God to move in this situation.

Thursday, 21 June 2007

Sigh....... have been running to the toilet since last night...
what make it worst is the pain that comes with it.
I have not felt so weak for a very long time. :(

My tummyache didn't seems to get better. So i decided to see a doc.
I went to the nearest Polyclinic, the doctor that see me seems to be in a hurry
I told her that i was having diarrhea plus sharp pain in my stomach.
And she just poke my tummy and that's it..and She only give me medicine
for diarrhea but not for the pain.
Well it just reminded me why i rather go to the private clinic.

Just pray that God will restore my strength.

Sunday, 17 June 2007

My Sister

During my dinner with my dad and family, my step mum told me that she do not know why my sister did not want to go day care out of a sudden. So I decided to ask my sister what happened. She is told me that there are some kids at the day care that outcast her and she felt very sad. At that point I felt that if only my sister know God, Then she will know that God can help her, she can pray to God and Jesus is there to protect her. I have being wanting to bring her to church. But I do not know how to approach my dad and step mum. I will pray and by faith I will get the approval to bring my sister to Sunday school.